coeo Compass

Pointing Everyone in the Right Direction.

We’d love to hear from you!


We recognise that the handling of each individual piece of post and payments from DMA’s is a time consuming and often costly process.


Through our relationships, associations and partnerships with DMA’s, we can effectively take control of the process for you.

Digital Portal

Our Data Protection agreements, which are in place with the majority of the DMA’s in the UK, allow easy access to our bespoke Compass portal.

Pointing customers in the right direction


Processing Debt Management Accounts (those flagged with a 3rd party such as StepChange, Payplan or Christians Against Poverty) can be hard work for a creditor. Individual account requests can stretch your processes to the point where black holes appear to the detriment of you and the customer. We can take the pain away by providing you with payments and update files in easily readable formats and following through with ongoing communication if things go wrong.

Did you know?

On average it costs £101.58 to manage a customers account throughout the lifetime of a debt management plan.

Compass Portal

Our Compass portal is a dedicated service designed to save you costs when dealing with those customers who are using or intend to use a Debt Management Agency (DMA’s).

We recognise that the handling of each individual piece of post and payments from DMA’s is a time consuming and often costly process.

Our solution is to carry that weight for you by:

  • Leveraging our strong ongoing relationships, associations and partnerships with most of the UK’s DMA’s, including the important Data Protection Agreements.
  • Seamlessly integrating those customers with our bespoke Compass Portal.

coeo Compass can take full control of all accounts that fall into the ‘can’t pay’ category. Our state-of-the-art systems then ensures that none of your accounts will end up unprocessed leading to lost revenue.