What is the new Consumer Duty regime and how will it work?

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The past few years have been a real test for everyone, and the collections industry is no different. We’ve had to navigate the challenges of the pandemic and lock down, the fall-out of trying to return to life as normal with disrupted supply lines, uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and the war in Ukraine amplifying the cost-of-living crisis, not to mention the impact of the growing statistics surrounding mental health issues.

When it comes to designing a productive way forward, industry conferences can play an essential role to help our sector to grow. It has probably never been more important to consolidate our collective knowledge for us to share best practice, identify risk both now and in the future, and explore ideas and solutions.

We’re therefore delighted to announce that on Thursday March 2nd we’re returning to The Met Hotel (Leeds), for our latest and greatest industry insider event to date; ‘Elevating Collections In 2023‘.

We’re bringing together some of the greatest minds in the industry, and this year’s event looks set to be the best yet with money can’t buy insight and expertise shared throughout the day.

Our line-up of guests includes:

  • Chris Metalle, the Chief Financial Officer at KM2 Ethical Finance Ltd
  • Sam Challenger, the Head of Collections & Customer Experience at Billing Finance Limited
  • Sheraz Afzal, our Board of Directors Advisor and Group Legal, Risk and Compliance Director at Quint Group Ltd
  • Stuart Sykes, the Vice President of Service Operations at Zilch
  • Tony Gundersen, the Head of Operations at Onmo
  • And representatives from: MALG, Equifax and TXM


The event will explore flexibility in the industry, engagement and we’ll deep dive into what customers want in today’s volatile economic environment. 

Topics that will be covered:

  • The here-and-now of collections and an overview of the environmental factors impacting our industry.
  • Mental Health, how does it impact us and what can we do for our clients and customers?
  • Collections and the cost-of-living crisis
  • Everyone has a voice? – dealing with misinformation on social media
  • Good News vs Bad News
  • We’ll pull learnings from market trends and insights to improve processes for critical stakeholders.
  • We’ll use and share our data to forecast where we see the industry heading.
  • We see the return of the ever popular ‘The Big Questions Answered’ panel
  • We’ll also invite a couple of special guests to give us their unique insight and experience from outside our industry.


The coeo annual debt collection event is quickly becoming an unmissable date in our collections industry calendar. Places are strictly limited so don’t miss out, click here to find out more and sign up today.